Interested in having your midwifery care reimbursed by insurance?

Aspen Roots Midwifery, LLC is partnered with Birth Professional Billing. They are a third-party company that works with our clients for their insurance needs.

Step 1: BEFORE SUBMITTING, please contact Heidi to make sure she is available for your due date.

Step 2: Please go fill out the following form on their website: Verification of Insurance Benefits Application. (VIB)

Step 3: After you fill out the VIB, please contact us and let us know to keep an eye out for their answer.

Aspen Roots Midwifery, LLC expects payment to be made in full per our financial agreement BEFORE baby is born. If you qualify for insurance reimbursement, we will help you start the process with BIRTH PROFESSIONAL BILLING AFTER our care is completed at 6-8 weeks postpartum.

We are dedicated to obtaining the highest level of reimbursement for you and your clients. We understand your work & offer our deepest commitment to your billing services